This project idea is an improvement on the original DIY water bottle power filter design. The goal was to make the filter safer for long-term use around smaller fish.
DIY Water Bottle Power Filter with Screw on Cap
- Soldering Iron
- Utility razor with handle
- Goo Gone adhesive remover
- Magic Marker
- Straight edge ruler

- Maxi-Jet 400 or 600 Powerhead
- Best Choice 8 oz. Parmesan Cheese bottle
- SmartWater 33.8 oz. drinking water bottle
- Filter floss / Polyester Fiberfill
- Paper towel

Using the utility razor, make a small cut in the parmesan cheese bottle label.
From the cut, the label should easily tear and be removed from the bottle.
The label on the Smartwater bottle is a little harder to pull off, but should remove in one piece without tearing.

The bare bottle will be sticky from the label adhesive.
Apply some Goo Gone adhesive remover to some paper towel and rub off all the sticky stuff.
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