DIY Aquarium Background
Malaysian Driftwood
The first coat of acrylic/cement mix has been
applied in this picture.This was accomplished
more easily by laying the aquarium on it's back
while applying the cement.
Copy/printer paper has been temporarily taped
to the side of the aquairum to trace the outline of
the background.
This is in preparation of painting the exterior of
the aquarium to hide the sides and back of the
background. Both sides were traced.
The aquarium is fully papered and ready for the
enamel spray paint.The exterior glass has also
been wiped down with rubbing alchohol to help
insure the paint bonds to the glass.
You can see the tall hardware compartments in
the back corners facing us.
Fast drying enamel spray paint is usually ready
to handle in about 20 minutes, but it's still a
good idea to take care when moving your
aquairum to avoid scratching the paint.
With the back and sides painted, the paper was
removed. Our DIY aquarium background is
really starting to look like something interesting.
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This 30 gallon DIY aquarium background seemed to be the perfect
opportunity to showcase the tree-like piece of Malaysian driftwood.
The plant terraces on either side climb to the top of the tank
providing opportunity for a variety of artificial plants.