Hanging Pendant
Aquarium Plant Lights
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When the paint is good and dry, remove the
paper towel pieces from the holes with a
twisting motion.
Our pair of soup cans soon to be hanging
pendant lights are ready for some hardware.
Snip the multiple female connector ends from
the 12' extension cords using any tool designed
for cutting wire.
The flat blade section of a basic wire stripping
tool was used here.
Thread each extension cord with one hex nut
and steel nipple.
It's important this simple step is done before
inserting the wires thru the holes drilled in the
To ease connection of the extension cord wires
to the porcelain fixture sockets, you may find it
easier to temporarily unscrew the threaded
mounting bracket from the back of the socket.
This can be done by carefully unscrewing the
small screw inside the socket.
This view shows the threaded mounting bracket
separated from the porcelain fixture socket.
welcome to
do-it-yourself aquarium and semi-aquatic background designs beyond the traditional
Dramatic AquaScapes
Disclaimer: Exercising reasonable safety precautions
when performing the steps described in this article
are the responsibility of the individuals building the
background. is not
responsible for personal injury or property damage as
a result of following steps outlined in this article.